EAAT GmbH Chemnitz
Your specialist for electrical automation and drive technology
Your contact partner
Managing Director
Gunther Budig
+49 37208 2824-11

Martin Kroschk
+49 37208 2824-13

André Geißler
+49 37208 2824-15

Company history
- Company founded by Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Dr. h.c. Peter-Klaus Budig and Dr.-Ing. Heinz Gräf in cooperation with six employees.
- Start of research and development work on frequency converters and magnetic bearings
- Development of our first power sources for a research laboratory for generating magnetic fields for material experiments.
- Expansion of the spectrum to include linear direct drives
- Recognition by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology as a "private research facility" Opening of new laboratories and a prototype production hall
- Start of serial production of controller and drive modules for highly dynamic valve drives
- Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
- Start of serial production of inverters for setting the pitch angle of wind turbines
- Awarded with the "SILVER MEDAL FOR INNOVATIONS" at the AGRITECHNICA for the development of an electronic drive solution for tractors
- Expansion of the production areas
- Change of management due to the death of the company founder Prof. Dr. sc. dr h.c. Peter-Klaus Budig to Prof. Dr. Habil. Heinz Steinbach
- Change of management in the 2nd generation Dipl.-Ing. Gunther Budig
- Relocation of the office to Lichtenau
- 01.10.2018 Company anniversary 25 years
- Expansion of the company premises through the introduction of the new production lines
- Expansion of capacities in control cabinet construction
- Mr. Martin Kroschk becomes the second managing director
EAAT GmbH Chemnitz works on high-tech products for automation and drive technology from the research and development through to production. For over two decades, our motto has been: In the beginning is the idea, then the search for opportunities begins and finally, the right solution is created.
With our work, we would like to create a convincing benefit for our customers. Due to the technical implementation of our own development work, it is possible for us to offer innovative products.
As a result of our precision in the conception and production, we distinguish ourselves as a reliable partner for a very wide range of industrial branches. We place great value on intensive and cooperative work with our users which provides us with ideas for dynamic development work.
"Everything we do, we do to keep getting better." That is our philosophy.
This is one of the guiding principles at the core of daily life at EAAT GmbH Chemnitz. Our daily life is measured based on the success of our customers for whom we do everything that helps them with their specific problem.

Company founder Prof. Dr. Peter-Klaus Budig
"Our approach as a scientific industrial company provides us with a time advantage as we are already working on solutions for which there may not be any application yet. This unorthodox method is a significant factor in our success as we already have a solution when the market starts tentatively demanding new, innovative products. It is an enormous competitive edge."
– Prof. Dr. Peter-Klaus Budig –